Companies selling unsecured commercial paper will have to pay an effective rate of two percentage points above this OIS benchmark. 发售无担保商业票据的公司将须支付较3个月期OIS高两个百分点的利率。
He found "the spread between the commercial paper rate and the Treasury bill rate appears to be the best predictor". 他发现,“商业票据利率与国债票面利率的息差似乎是最好的先行指标”。
Finally, this paper had an empirical analysis for interest rate risk management of the Industrial and Commercial Bank. Then this paper analyzed the limitations of interest rate risk management and made recommendations to the interest rate risk management the Industrial and Commercial Bank. 最后,本文用各种利率风险管理方法对工商银行的利率风险管理进行实证分析,并分析了表内和表外利率风险管理方法的局限性,并对工行利率风险管理探讨性地提出建议。
Drawing on previous theoretical model, based on data through the commercial banks in China, this paper uses dynamic panel GMM estimation to test whether the exchange rate movements have a significant impact on performance of commercial banks. 在借鉴前人的理论模型基础上,通过我国商业银行的数据,利用动态面板广义矩估计方法实证检验汇率变动是否对商业银行绩效产生了显著的影响。
The empirical analysis also shows that the commercial paper issuing rate is negatively correlated with the issuing size, which confirms that larger amount will lower investors 'requirement for liquidity premium. 实证分析还显示短期融资券的发行利率与发行规模呈负相关,说明规模大会降低投资者的流动性溢价要求这一结论得到支持。